Tales from the Coffeeshop: Martyrdom a family business
ODYSSEAS’ employment at the Michaelides family business, also known as the public service, may have been unjustly terminated but I am thrilled to see that his equally unhinged sister, Thoktor Anastasia Michaelidou-Kamenou is now flying the family flag.
I read in the family’s mouthpiece Phil, that Ody’s sister, who entered the public service through the backdoor on one of the highest pay grades and a few months ago was promoted to an even higher paid position, has been claiming she was being persecuted and had been the victim of workplace intimidation and vindictiveness for her adherence to the law.
The person allegedly persecuting the sister was the under-secretary to the president Irini Piki, who was accused by the lawyer of the victim of unauthorised interference in the work of his client. The good thoktor, as head of the Associations’ Registry, had struck off a private school from the registry she believed was illegally operating as an association.
Piki had demanded explanations for this decision, as had the director of the interior minister’s office, according to the lawyer. Piki was accused of intervening in favour of the private school, which was owned by a personal friend of Prezniktwo, but the uncompromising sister refused to budge, insisting on the implementation of the law.
Like her bro, she attained martyrdom, for what her lawyer described as “her devotion to the law and her duties deriving for the law.” She was moved from her position as head of the registry, and replaced by a second cousin of Prezniktwo.
THE PERSECUTION of Odysseas’ family by Prezniktwo, who in rusfetology is the true heir of Spy Kyp, did not end there. According to the lawyer’s letter, published by Phil, Thoktor Kamenou’s daughter, Chara, who is an employee at the family business, for which her grandfather also worked, was the victim of a punitive transfer.
Chara, who was in charge of the maintenance branch of the town planning and housing department at the interior minister was notified that she would be transferred to another post last month, wrote family lawyer Michalis Paraskevas.
While responsible for work on listed buildings in Nicosia and Paphos districts, the niece was sidelined as regards work being done to the listed part of the presidential palace. This responsibility was given to the woman in charge of the Limassol district, whom Paraskevas claimed is a relative of the First Lady of Kyproulla.
“The position of my client,” said Paraskevas, “is that the transfer and events I will list below, constitute a coordinated attempt at persecution that is linked directly to the brother of my client.” It did not occur to Thoktor Kamenou that she and her daughter may have been transferred because they were not performing their duties adequately.
When blood relatives of Odysseas are transferred there is no doubt they are being victimised – the clan is fast becoming a family of martyrs in their own family business.
INEVITABLY, the holier than thou Odysseas had to tweet his views about this “picture of persecution and vindictiveness,” and ask “is this the Cyprus that we deserve?”
In his tweet, he had to go on about the prez appointing his relatives to posts vacated by his sister and niece, implying this was a blatant case of rusfeti. He had not shown the same sensitivity about rusfeti when his sister entered the civil service through the back door and was a few months ago given a promotion that nobody thought she deserved.
When his sister was the beneficiary of rusfeti, it was the Cyprus we deserved, but when she became the victim of rusfeti it is the Cyprus we do not deserve. Has he not heard that those that rise by rusfeti might fall by rusfeti.
AFTER making a big fuss about his pension, claiming that the prez and the AG wanted to obliterate him financially by depriving him of his pension, Odysseas managed to intimidate them into paying it.
Although he was not entitled to a pension because he was sacked, AG Giorgos Savvides, through an imaginative interpretation of the law and citing similar cases, decided he would be paid his full pension. Prezniktwo, terrified of the negative publicity he would face, had ruled long before the AG reached his decision, announced on Friday, that Odysseas would not be deprived of his pension rights.
Nothing was said about his retirement bonus, which Odysseas was also claiming, even if in effect it would be a sacking bonus. If he raises a big enough fuss in Phil I am sure that will be paid as well.
Needless to say that if he were still auditor-general he would have lambasted the AG for unlawfully allowing a full pension to be paid to a public employee who had been sacked.
OUR PREZ’S delusions of grandeur are now completely out of control. Whereas in the previous week he announced that he was working on Kyproulla joining Nato, even though he knows this will never happen so long as Turkey has the power of veto, this week he was showing off about the amazing strengthening of our defence capabilities.
His Foreign Minister Constantinos Kombos, acting as the only grown-up in the government, cut his boss down to size. “There is a huge distance to travel from the slogan to the effort to implement the idea,” he said. Was he accusing our prez of resorting to slogans? Surely not.
Defence Minister Vassilis Palmas was fully in synch with the government message about the strengthening of the armed forces combat capabilities and the bolstering of our deterrent strength. The government also leaked information that it was in the process of upgrading its air defences system.
But when asked about the matter, the Prez, Palmas and Mini Me declared that “there is absolutely nothing to say” on issues of defence. Why do they leak the information if they do not want to talk about it? Is it because the prez wants to create the impression that apart from a diplomatic powerhouse we are on the way to becoming a military power as well, without actually spelling it out?
He spoke on Thursday about the strengthening of the National Guard and “the reinforcing of the deterrent power of Kyproulla” through the upgrading of our defence systems.
We might be investing in new defence systems, but soon we might not have the soldiers to operate them. Politis reported on Monday that in the last years an increase in the number of contract soldiers quitting the army has been recorded, while interest in joining it on contracts has declined.
The government is now planning on increasing pay and offering more incentives to privates in the hope that we do not end up with advanced defence systems with nobody to operate them.
IN ONE of the speeches he made in the last week, Prezniktwo spoke about his initiative on climate change in the eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East, which has still to move beyond the realm of rhetoric. In another speech he said that the promotion of the country as a centre (not regional) of research and innovation was very high on the government’s list of priorities.
And in a speech at a book launch he boasted that he had given a “new push to the Cyprus problem and after many years there is a new movement, a movement that we hope will lead to a resumption of the talks.” It is a great skill of the prez he manages to tell every audience he makes a speech to something they want to hear, even if he will forget as soon as he leaves the auditorium.
TELEPHONE statesmanship is another of his skills. And after every telephone call he makes, Mini Me issues a statement to inform the public that our prez is also dealing with world affairs.
Last week he spoke on the phone to Donal Trump, congratulating him on his election and informing him, according to Mini Me, of “his intention to closely cooperate for the further tightening of relations between the two countries.” Unfortunately, we were not informed what Trump said.
On Wednesday evening, he said, he had “a number of telephone communications with leaders of neighbouring states about current developments on how to face this new challenge (Syria), which yes, is worrying.” When he goes to Brussels he will take “some specific messages about the need for the existence of a collective reaction by the international community.”
And the following day, he had a telephone conversation with the president of the United Arab Emirates with whom he agreed about the “need of undertaking initiatives and actions that could contribute to the de-escalation of the crisis.”
Under the statesmanship of Prezniktwo, Kyproulla, has taken a big role in world affairs, a role totally disproportionate to its tiny size.